A Church Called Tov | Scot McKnight and Laura Barringer Gallery A Church Called Tov | Scot McKnight and Laura Barringer Book Reviews, Leadership
A Distinct Twenty-First Century Pentecostal Hermeneutic | Harlyn Graydon Purdy Gallery A Distinct Twenty-First Century Pentecostal Hermeneutic | Harlyn Graydon Purdy Book Reviews, Theology
A Faith and Culture Devotional | Kelly Monroe Kullberg & Lael Arrington Gallery A Faith and Culture Devotional | Kelly Monroe Kullberg & Lael Arrington Book Reviews, Spiritual Formation
A Fundamental Practical Theology | Don S. Browning Gallery A Fundamental Practical Theology | Don S. Browning Book Reviews, Theology
A Handbook of Contemporary Theology | David L. Smith Gallery A Handbook of Contemporary Theology | David L. Smith Book Reviews, Theology
A History of Prophecy in Israel | Joseph Blenkinsopp Gallery A History of Prophecy in Israel | Joseph Blenkinsopp Book Reviews, Theology
A Long Obedience in the Same Direction | Eugene H. Peterson Gallery A Long Obedience in the Same Direction | Eugene H. Peterson Book Reviews, Spiritual Formation
A Mouth Full of Fire | Andrew G. Shead Gallery A Mouth Full of Fire | Andrew G. Shead Book Reviews, Theology
A New Kind of Christianity | Brian D. McLaren Gallery A New Kind of Christianity | Brian D. McLaren Book Reviews, Theology
A Pentecostal Hermeneutic | Kenneth J. Archer Gallery A Pentecostal Hermeneutic | Kenneth J. Archer Book Reviews, Theology
A Phenomenology of Pentecostal Leadership | Truls Åkerlund Gallery A Phenomenology of Pentecostal Leadership | Truls Åkerlund Book Reviews, Leadership
A Survey of the Old Testament | Andrew E. Hill and John H. Walton Gallery A Survey of the Old Testament | Andrew E. Hill and John H. Walton Book Reviews, Theology
A Tale of Three Kings | Gene Edwards Gallery A Tale of Three Kings | Gene Edwards Book Reviews, Leadership
A Theology of the Spirit in the Former Prophets | Rick Wadholm, Jr. Gallery A Theology of the Spirit in the Former Prophets | Rick Wadholm, Jr. Book Reviews, Theology
A Time to Tear Down & A Time to Build Up | Michael V. Fox Gallery A Time to Tear Down & A Time to Build Up | Michael V. Fox Book Reviews, Theology
Abusing Scripture | Manfred T. Brauch Gallery Abusing Scripture | Manfred T. Brauch Book Reviews, Theology
Adam, Eve, and the Serpent | Elaine Pagels Gallery Adam, Eve, and the Serpent | Elaine Pagels Book Reviews, Theology
After the New Atheist Debate | Phil Ryan Gallery After the New Atheist Debate | Phil Ryan Book Reviews, Theology
After You Believe | N. T. Wright Gallery After You Believe | N. T. Wright Book Reviews, Spiritual Formation
An Evangelical Christology | Bernard L. Ramm Gallery An Evangelical Christology | Bernard L. Ramm Book Reviews, Theology
An Introduction to the Old Testament | Raymond B. Dillard & Tremper Longman III Gallery An Introduction to the Old Testament | Raymond B. Dillard & Tremper Longman III Book Reviews, Theology
Apocalypse Delayed | M. James Penton Gallery Apocalypse Delayed | M. James Penton Book Reviews, Theology
As Kingfishers Catch Fire | Eugene H. Peterson Gallery As Kingfishers Catch Fire | Eugene H. Peterson Book Reviews, Spiritual Formation
As One Devil to Another | Richard Platt Gallery As One Devil to Another | Richard Platt Book Reviews, Spiritual Formation
Assaulted by Joy | Stephen W. Simpson Gallery Assaulted by Joy | Stephen W. Simpson Book Reviews, Spiritual Formation
Atheism for Christians | Benjamin T. Jones Gallery Atheism for Christians | Benjamin T. Jones Book Reviews, Theology
Awaiting the King | James K. A. Smith Gallery Awaiting the King | James K. A. Smith Book Reviews, Theology
Baptized in the Spirit | Frank D. Macchia Gallery Baptized in the Spirit | Frank D. Macchia Book Reviews, Theology
Being as Communion | John D. Zizioulas Gallery Being as Communion | John D. Zizioulas Book Reviews, Theology
Between God and Satan | Helmut Thielicke Gallery Between God and Satan | Helmut Thielicke Book Reviews, Spiritual Formation
Biblical Critical Theory | Christopher Watkin Gallery Biblical Critical Theory | Christopher Watkin Book Reviews, Theology
Biblical Interpretation | W. Randolph Tate Gallery Biblical Interpretation | W. Randolph Tate Book Reviews, Theology
Building a Life-Changing Small Group Ministry | Bill Donahue & Russ Robinson Gallery Building a Life-Changing Small Group Ministry | Bill Donahue & Russ Robinson Book Reviews, Leadership
But Where is the Lamb? | James Goodman Gallery But Where is the Lamb? | James Goodman Book Reviews, Theology
Calling and Character | William H. Willimon Gallery Calling and Character | William H. Willimon Book Reviews, Leadership
Can “White” People Be Saved? | Love L. Sechrest, et al., eds. Gallery Can “White” People Be Saved? | Love L. Sechrest, et al., eds. Book Reviews, Theology
Canoeing in the Mountains | Tod Bolsinger Gallery Canoeing in the Mountains | Tod Bolsinger Book Reviews, Leadership
Captive to the Word of God | Miroslav Volf Gallery Captive to the Word of God | Miroslav Volf Book Reviews, Theology
Catch the Fire | Michael Wilkinson and Peter Althouse Gallery Catch the Fire | Michael Wilkinson and Peter Althouse Book Reviews, Theology
Change Your Church For Good | Brad Powell Gallery Change Your Church For Good | Brad Powell Book Reviews, Leadership
Charismatic Christianity | Helen Collins Gallery Charismatic Christianity | Helen Collins Book Reviews, Theology
Christ, Baptism and the Lord’s Supper | Leonard J. Vander Zee Gallery Christ, Baptism and the Lord’s Supper | Leonard J. Vander Zee Book Reviews, Theology
Christology | Veli-Matti Kärkkäinen Gallery Christology | Veli-Matti Kärkkäinen Book Reviews, Theology
Churches, Cultures and Leadership | Mark Lau Branson and Juan F. Martínez Gallery Churches, Cultures and Leadership | Mark Lau Branson and Juan F. Martínez Book Reviews, Theology
Circle Maker | Mark Batterson Gallery Circle Maker | Mark Batterson Book Reviews, Spiritual Formation
Coaching Changes Everything | Luciano Lombardi Gallery Coaching Changes Everything | Luciano Lombardi Book Reviews, Leadership
Coaching Life-Changing Small Group Leaders | Bill Donahue & Greg Bowman Gallery Coaching Life-Changing Small Group Leaders | Bill Donahue & Greg Bowman Book Reviews, Leadership
Colossians and Philemon | N. T. Wright Gallery Colossians and Philemon | N. T. Wright Book Reviews, Theology
Common Prayer | Shane Claiborne, et al. Gallery Common Prayer | Shane Claiborne, et al. Book Reviews, Spiritual Formation
Communicating for a Change | Andy Stanley and Lane Jones Gallery Communicating for a Change | Andy Stanley and Lane Jones Book Reviews, Theology
Concerning Spiritual Gifts | Donald Gee Gallery Concerning Spiritual Gifts | Donald Gee Book Reviews, Theology
Connective Leadership | Jean Lipman-Blumen Gallery Connective Leadership | Jean Lipman-Blumen Book Reviews, Leadership
Contemplative Prayer | Thomas Merton Gallery Contemplative Prayer | Thomas Merton Book Reviews, Spiritual Formation
Counterfeit Gods | Timothy Keller Gallery Counterfeit Gods | Timothy Keller Book Reviews, Spiritual Formation
Covenant and God’s Purpose for the World | Thomas R. Schreiner Gallery Covenant and God’s Purpose for the World | Thomas R. Schreiner Book Reviews, Theology
Creation and Fall, Temptation | Dietrich Bonhoeffer Gallery Creation and Fall, Temptation | Dietrich Bonhoeffer Book Reviews, Theology
Crucifixion of the Warrior God | Gregory A. Boyd Gallery Crucifixion of the Warrior God | Gregory A. Boyd Book Reviews, Theology
Dark Night of the Soul | St. John of the Cross Gallery Dark Night of the Soul | St. John of the Cross Book Reviews, Spiritual Formation
Deliverance to the Captives | Karl Barth Gallery Deliverance to the Captives | Karl Barth Book Reviews, Spiritual Formation
Designing Religious Research Studies | C. Jeff Woods Gallery Designing Religious Research Studies | C. Jeff Woods Book Reviews, Resource
Divine Echoes | Mark Gregory Karris Gallery Divine Echoes | Mark Gregory Karris Book Reviews, Spiritual Formation
Divine Eros | Symeon the New Theologian Gallery Divine Eros | Symeon the New Theologian Book Reviews, Spiritual Formation
Dominion and Dynasty | Stephen G. Dempster Gallery Dominion and Dynasty | Stephen G. Dempster Book Reviews, Theology
Encountering Ecclesiastes | James Limburg Gallery Encountering Ecclesiastes | James Limburg Book Reviews, Theology
Essential Truths | Van Johnson et al., eds. Gallery Essential Truths | Van Johnson et al., eds. Book Reviews, Theology
Ethical Leadership | Walter Earl Fluker Gallery Ethical Leadership | Walter Earl Fluker Book Reviews, Leadership
Evangelical Theology in Transition | Elmer M. Colyer, Ed. Gallery Evangelical Theology in Transition | Elmer M. Colyer, Ed. Book Reviews, Theology
Evangelicals Engaging in Practical Theology | Helen Morris and Helen Cameron, eds. Gallery Evangelicals Engaging in Practical Theology | Helen Morris and Helen Cameron, eds. Book Reviews, Theology
Everyone Communicates Few Connect | John C. Maxwell Gallery Everyone Communicates Few Connect | John C. Maxwell Book Reviews, Leadership
Exclusion and Embrace | Miroslav Volf Gallery Exclusion and Embrace | Miroslav Volf Book Reviews, Theology
Faith, the Fount of Exegesis | Ignacio Carbajosa Gallery Faith, the Fount of Exegesis | Ignacio Carbajosa Book Reviews, Theology
First and Second Samuel | Walter Brueggemann Gallery First and Second Samuel | Walter Brueggemann Book Reviews, Theology
Following | Jason Byassee and Andria Irwin Gallery Following | Jason Byassee and Andria Irwin Book Reviews, Leadership
Following Jesus | N. T. Wright Gallery Following Jesus | N. T. Wright Book Reviews, Spiritual Formation
Foolishness to the Greeks | Lesslie Newbigin Gallery Foolishness to the Greeks | Lesslie Newbigin Book Reviews, Theology
For Life Abundant | Dorothy C. Bass & Craig Dykstra Gallery For Life Abundant | Dorothy C. Bass & Craig Dykstra Book Reviews, Theology
Formation and Reflection | Lewis S. Mudge & James N. Poling Gallery Formation and Reflection | Lewis S. Mudge & James N. Poling Book Reviews, Theology
From Judgment to Hope | Walter Brueggemann Gallery From Judgment to Hope | Walter Brueggemann Book Reviews, Theology
From Ministry to Theology | John H. Patton Gallery From Ministry to Theology | John H. Patton Book Reviews, Theology
From Pentecost to Patmos | Craig L. Blomberg Gallery From Pentecost to Patmos | Craig L. Blomberg Book Reviews, Theology
From Pentecost to the Triune God | Steven M. Studebaker Gallery From Pentecost to the Triune God | Steven M. Studebaker Book Reviews, Theology
God and Human Wholeness | Kent L. Yinger Gallery God and Human Wholeness | Kent L. Yinger Book Reviews, Theology
God’s Quest | Lyman C. D. Kulathungam Gallery God’s Quest | Lyman C. D. Kulathungam Book Reviews, Theology
Good Grief | Granger E. Westberg Gallery Good Grief | Granger E. Westberg Book Reviews, Spiritual Formation
Good News in Exile | Copenhaver, Robinson, & Willimon Gallery Good News in Exile | Copenhaver, Robinson, & Willimon Book Reviews, Theology
Grace and Necessity | Rowan Williams Gallery Grace and Necessity | Rowan Williams Book Reviews, Theology
Grasping God’s Word | Scott J. Duvall and J. Daniel Hayes Gallery Grasping God’s Word | Scott J. Duvall and J. Daniel Hayes Book Reviews, Theology
Hallelujah Anyway | Anne Lamott Gallery Hallelujah Anyway | Anne Lamott Book Reviews, Spiritual Formation
Hannah’s Prayer and Its Answer | Ronald S. Wallace Gallery Hannah’s Prayer and Its Answer | Ronald S. Wallace Book Reviews, Spiritual Formation
He Loved Them Until the End | John Christopher Thomas Gallery He Loved Them Until the End | John Christopher Thomas Book Reviews, Theology
Henri J. M. Nouwen | Here and Now Gallery Henri J. M. Nouwen | Here and Now Book Reviews, Spiritual Formation
Hidden in Christ | James Bryan Smith Gallery Hidden in Christ | James Bryan Smith Book Reviews, Spiritual Formation
Holy Laughter & The Toronto Blessing | James A. Beverley Gallery Holy Laughter & The Toronto Blessing | James A. Beverley Book Reviews, Theology
Homilies on the First Epistle of John | Saint Augustine Gallery Homilies on the First Epistle of John | Saint Augustine Book Reviews, Spiritual Formation
Honoring the Son | Larry W. Hurtado Gallery Honoring the Son | Larry W. Hurtado Book Reviews, Theology
Hospitality and the Other | Amos Yong Gallery Hospitality and the Other | Amos Yong Book Reviews, Theology
How the Spirit became God | Kyle R. Hughes Gallery How the Spirit became God | Kyle R. Hughes Book Reviews, Theology
How to Inhabit Time | James K. A. Smith Gallery How to Inhabit Time | James K. A. Smith Book Reviews, Spiritual Formation
How to Make Big Decisions Wisely | Alan Ehler Gallery How to Make Big Decisions Wisely | Alan Ehler Book Reviews, Theology
How to Write One Song | Jeff Tweedy Gallery How to Write One Song | Jeff Tweedy Book Reviews, Resource
Imminent Domain | Ben Witherington III Gallery Imminent Domain | Ben Witherington III Book Reviews, Theology
In Constant Prayer | Robert Benson Gallery In Constant Prayer | Robert Benson Book Reviews, Spiritual Formation
Incarnation | Thomas F. Torrance Gallery Incarnation | Thomas F. Torrance Book Reviews, Book Studies, Incarnation, Theology
Indigenous Theology and the Western Worldview | Randy S. Woodly Gallery Indigenous Theology and the Western Worldview | Randy S. Woodly Book Reviews, Theology
Inspiration and Incarnation | Peter Enns Gallery Inspiration and Incarnation | Peter Enns Book Reviews, Theology
Institutes of the Christian Religion | John Calvin Gallery Institutes of the Christian Religion | John Calvin Book Reviews, Theology
Interpreting Martin Luther | Victor Shepherd Gallery Interpreting Martin Luther | Victor Shepherd Book Reviews, Theology
Into the Heart of Romans | N. T. Wright Gallery Into the Heart of Romans | N. T. Wright Book Reviews, Theology
Introducing Practical Theology | Pete Ward Gallery Introducing Practical Theology | Pete Ward Book Reviews, Theology
Introduction to Spirituality | Gary Tyra Gallery Introduction to Spirituality | Gary Tyra Book Reviews, Theology
Is the Atheist My Neighbour? | Randal Rauser Gallery Is the Atheist My Neighbour? | Randal Rauser Book Reviews, Theology
Israel’s Sacred Songs | Harvey H. Guthrie, Jr. Gallery Israel’s Sacred Songs | Harvey H. Guthrie, Jr. Book Reviews, Theology
Jesus according to the New Testament | James D. G. Dunn Gallery Jesus according to the New Testament | James D. G. Dunn Book Reviews, Theology
Jesus and the Jewish Roots of the Eucharist | Brant Pitre Gallery Jesus and the Jewish Roots of the Eucharist | Brant Pitre Book Reviews, Theology
Jesus and the Undoing of Adam | C. Baxter Kruger Gallery Jesus and the Undoing of Adam | C. Baxter Kruger Book Reviews, Theology
Jesus Christ Our Lord | John F. Walvoord Gallery Jesus Christ Our Lord | John F. Walvoord Book Reviews, Theology
Jesus Is the Christ | Michael F. Bird Gallery Jesus Is the Christ | Michael F. Bird Book Reviews, Theology
Jesus the Christ | Thomas G. Weinandy Gallery Jesus the Christ | Thomas G. Weinandy Book Reviews, Theology
Jesus the Spirit Baptizer | Frank D. Macchia Gallery Jesus the Spirit Baptizer | Frank D. Macchia Book Reviews, Theology
Jesus Through Middle Eastern Eyes | Kenneth E. Bailey Gallery Jesus Through Middle Eastern Eyes | Kenneth E. Bailey Book Reviews, Theology
Jesus, Paul and the People of God | Nicholas Perrin & Richard B. Hays, eds. Gallery Jesus, Paul and the People of God | Nicholas Perrin & Richard B. Hays, eds. Book Reviews, Theology
Jesus: A Theography | Leonard Sweet & Frank Viola Gallery Jesus: A Theography | Leonard Sweet & Frank Viola Book Reviews, Theology
Judas and Jesus | Ray S. Anderson Gallery Judas and Jesus | Ray S. Anderson Book Reviews, Spiritual Formation
Judges for You | Timothy Keller Gallery Judges for You | Timothy Keller Book Reviews, Spiritual Formation
Keeping the Sabbath Wholly | Marva J. Dawn Gallery Keeping the Sabbath Wholly | Marva J. Dawn Book Reviews, Spiritual Formation
Key Questions About Christian Faith | John Goldingay Gallery Key Questions About Christian Faith | John Goldingay Book Reviews, Theology
Leading Change Without Losing It | Carey Nieuwhof Gallery Leading Change Without Losing It | Carey Nieuwhof Book Reviews, Leadership
Leading Life-Changing Small Groups | Bill Donahue Gallery Leading Life-Changing Small Groups | Bill Donahue Book Reviews, Leadership
Leading Small Groups that Thrive | Ryan T. Hartwig, et al. Gallery Leading Small Groups that Thrive | Ryan T. Hartwig, et al. Book Reviews, Leadership
Life With God | Richard Foster with Katheryn A. Helmers Gallery Life With God | Richard Foster with Katheryn A. Helmers Book Reviews, Spiritual Formation
Lives Entrusted | Barbara J. Blodgett Gallery Lives Entrusted | Barbara J. Blodgett Book Reviews, Leadership
Love Alone Is Credible | Hans Urs von Balthasar Gallery Love Alone Is Credible | Hans Urs von Balthasar Book Reviews, Theology
Main Street Mystics | Margaret M. Poloma Gallery Main Street Mystics | Margaret M. Poloma Book Reviews, Theology
Making a Meal of It | Ben Witherington III Gallery Making a Meal of It | Ben Witherington III Book Reviews, Theology
Making Small Groups Work | Henry Cloud and John Townsend Gallery Making Small Groups Work | Henry Cloud and John Townsend Book Reviews, Leadership
Mandate to Difference | Walter Brueggemann Gallery Mandate to Difference | Walter Brueggemann Book Reviews, Theology
Marva J. Dawn | The Sense of the Call Gallery Marva J. Dawn | The Sense of the Call Book Reviews, Spiritual Formation
Mere Discipleship | Alister E. McGrath Gallery Mere Discipleship | Alister E. McGrath Book Reviews, Theology
Ministerial Ethics | Joe E. Trull & James E. Carter Gallery Ministerial Ethics | Joe E. Trull & James E. Carter Book Reviews, Leadership
Misreading Scripture with Individualist Eyes | E. Richard Randolph and Richard James Gallery Misreading Scripture with Individualist Eyes | E. Richard Randolph and Richard James Book Reviews, Spanish 2013, Theology
Mission in the Old Testament | Walter C. Kaiser, Jr. Gallery Mission in the Old Testament | Walter C. Kaiser, Jr. Book Reviews, Theology
Missional Church | Darrell L. Guder, ed. Gallery Missional Church | Darrell L. Guder, ed. Book Reviews, Theology
Models of Contextual Theology | Stephen B. Bevans Gallery Models of Contextual Theology | Stephen B. Bevans Book Reviews, Theology
My Body is Not a Prayer Request | Amy Kenny Gallery My Body is Not a Prayer Request | Amy Kenny Book Reviews, Spiritual Formation
Narratives and Numbers | Mark J. Cartledge Gallery Narratives and Numbers | Mark J. Cartledge Book Reviews, Theology
New Seeds of Contemplation | Thomas Merton Gallery New Seeds of Contemplation | Thomas Merton Book Reviews, Spiritual Formation
New Testament Development of Old Testament Themes | F. F. Bruce Gallery New Testament Development of Old Testament Themes | F. F. Bruce Book Reviews, Theology
No Man is an Island | Thomas Merton Gallery No Man is an Island | Thomas Merton Book Reviews, Spiritual Formation
Now My Eyes Have Seen You | Robert S. Fyall Gallery Now My Eyes Have Seen You | Robert S. Fyall Book Reviews, Theology
Old Testament Theology | Walter Brueggemann Gallery Old Testament Theology | Walter Brueggemann Book Reviews, Theology
On God and Christ | Gregory of Nazianzus Gallery On God and Christ | Gregory of Nazianzus Book Reviews, Theology
On the Holy Spirit | Basil the Great Gallery On the Holy Spirit | Basil the Great Book Reviews, Theology
On the Lord’s Prayer | Tertullian, Cyprian, and Origen Gallery On the Lord’s Prayer | Tertullian, Cyprian, and Origen Book Reviews, Theology
On the Road with Saint Augustine | James K. A. Smith Gallery On the Road with Saint Augustine | James K. A. Smith Book Reviews, Spiritual Formation
On the Unity of Christ | St. Cyril of Alexandria Gallery On the Unity of Christ | St. Cyril of Alexandria Book Reviews, Theology
Our Evangelical Faith | Victor Shepherd Gallery Our Evangelical Faith | Victor Shepherd Book Reviews, Theology
Pastoral Theology | Daniel L. Akin and R. Scott Pace Gallery Pastoral Theology | Daniel L. Akin and R. Scott Pace Book Reviews, Theology
Paul and Gender | Cynthia Long Westfall Gallery Paul and Gender | Cynthia Long Westfall Book Reviews, Theology
Paul and His Letters | John B. Polhill Gallery Paul and His Letters | John B. Polhill Book Reviews, Theology
Paul Through Mediterranean Eyes | Kenneth E. Bailey Gallery Paul Through Mediterranean Eyes | Kenneth E. Bailey Book Reviews, Theology
Paul: A Novel | Walter Wangerin Jr. Gallery Paul: A Novel | Walter Wangerin Jr. Book Reviews, Spiritual Formation
Pentecost, Hospitality, and Transfiguration | Daniela C. Augustine Gallery Pentecost, Hospitality, and Transfiguration | Daniela C. Augustine Book Reviews, Theology
Pentecostal and Postmodern Hermeneutics | Bradley Truman Noel Gallery Pentecostal and Postmodern Hermeneutics | Bradley Truman Noel Book Reviews, Theology
Pentecostal Spirituality | Steven Jack Land Gallery Pentecostal Spirituality | Steven Jack Land Book Reviews, Theology
Pentecostal Theology | Wolfgang Vondey Gallery Pentecostal Theology | Wolfgang Vondey Book Reviews, Theology
Pentecostal-Charismatic Prophecy | Samuel W. Muindi Gallery Pentecostal-Charismatic Prophecy | Samuel W. Muindi Book Reviews, Theology
Pentecostalism | Walter J. Hollenweger Gallery Pentecostalism | Walter J. Hollenweger Book Reviews, Theology
Pentecostalism, Secularism, and Post Christendom | Bradley Truman Noel Gallery Pentecostalism, Secularism, and Post Christendom | Bradley Truman Noel Book Reviews, Theology
Performing the Faith | Stanley Hauerwas Gallery Performing the Faith | Stanley Hauerwas Book Reviews, Theology
Perspectives on Paul | Ernst Käsemann Gallery Perspectives on Paul | Ernst Käsemann Book Reviews, Theology
Phenomenological Research Methods | Clark Moustakas Gallery Phenomenological Research Methods | Clark Moustakas Book Reviews, Resource
Philippians: Revised | Gerald F. Hawthorne & Ralph P. Martin Gallery Philippians: Revised | Gerald F. Hawthorne & Ralph P. Martin Book Reviews, Theology
Ponder and Pray | Victor A. Shepherd Gallery Ponder and Pray | Victor A. Shepherd Book Reviews, Spiritual Formation
Power in Weakness | Timothy G. Gombis Gallery Power in Weakness | Timothy G. Gombis Book Reviews, Theology
Practical Theology | Mark J. Cartledge Gallery Practical Theology | Mark J. Cartledge Book Reviews, Theology
Practical Theology | Richard R. Osmer Gallery Practical Theology | Richard R. Osmer Book Reviews, Theology
Practical Theology and Qualitative Research | John Swinton & Harriet Mowat Gallery Practical Theology and Qualitative Research | John Swinton & Harriet Mowat Book Reviews, Theology
Practice Resurrection | Eugene H. Peterson Gallery Practice Resurrection | Eugene H. Peterson Book Reviews, Theology
Practice-led Research, Research-led Practice in the Creative Arts | Hazel Smith and Roger T. Dean, eds. Gallery Practice-led Research, Research-led Practice in the Creative Arts | Hazel Smith and Roger T. Dean, eds. Book Reviews, Resource
Practice-led Theology or Thinking Theology Through Practice | Neil Ferguson Gallery Practice-led Theology or Thinking Theology Through Practice | Neil Ferguson Book Reviews, Theology
Practicing Servant Leadership | Larry C. Spears and Michele Lawrence Gallery Practicing Servant Leadership | Larry C. Spears and Michele Lawrence Book Reviews, Leadership
Practicing the Way | John Mark Comer Gallery Practicing the Way | John Mark Comer Book Reviews, Spiritual Formation
Practicing Theology | Miroslav Volf and Dorothy C. Bass, eds. Gallery Practicing Theology | Miroslav Volf and Dorothy C. Bass, eds. Book Reviews, Theology
Prayer and Modern Man | Jacques Ellul Gallery Prayer and Modern Man | Jacques Ellul Book Reviews, Theology
PreachersNSneakers | Ben Kirby Gallery PreachersNSneakers | Ben Kirby Book Reviews, Spiritual Formation
Preaching God’s Word | Terry G. Carter, et al. Gallery Preaching God’s Word | Terry G. Carter, et al. Book Reviews, Theology
Preparing for Jesus | Walter Wangerin Jr. Gallery Preparing for Jesus | Walter Wangerin Jr. Book Reviews, Spiritual Formation
Proper Confidence | Lesslie Newbigin Gallery Proper Confidence | Lesslie Newbigin Book Reviews, Theology
Prophecy in Early Christianity and the Ancient Mediterranean World | David E. Aune Gallery Prophecy in Early Christianity and the Ancient Mediterranean World | David E. Aune Book Reviews, Theology
Qualitative Inquiry & Research Design | John Creswell & Cheryl Poth Gallery Qualitative Inquiry & Research Design | John Creswell & Cheryl Poth Book Reviews, Resource
Re-Enchanting the Text | Cheryl Bridges Johns Gallery Re-Enchanting the Text | Cheryl Bridges Johns Book Reviews, Theology
Reaching Out | Henri J. M. Nouwen Gallery Reaching Out | Henri J. M. Nouwen Book Reviews, Spiritual Formation
Reading Genesis | Marilynne Robinson Gallery Reading Genesis | Marilynne Robinson Book Reviews, Theology
Reading Scripture with the Reformers | Timothy George Gallery Reading Scripture with the Reformers | Timothy George Book Reviews, Theology
Reading While Black | Easu McCaulley Gallery Reading While Black | Easu McCaulley Book Reviews, Theology
Recovering from Biblical Manhood and Womanhood | Aimee Byrd Gallery Recovering from Biblical Manhood and Womanhood | Aimee Byrd Book Reviews, Spiritual Formation
Recovering the Full Mission of God | Dean Flemming Gallery Recovering the Full Mission of God | Dean Flemming Book Reviews, Theology
Red Letter Revolution | Shane Claiborne & Tony Campolo Gallery Red Letter Revolution | Shane Claiborne & Tony Campolo Book Reviews, Spiritual Formation
Reimagining Spirit | Grace Ji-Sun Kim Gallery Reimagining Spirit | Grace Ji-Sun Kim Book Reviews, Theology
Renovation of the Heart | Dallas Willard Gallery Renovation of the Heart | Dallas Willard Book Reviews, Spiritual Formation
Resident Aliens | Stanley Hauerwas & William H. Willimon Gallery Resident Aliens | Stanley Hauerwas & William H. Willimon Book Reviews, Theology
Revelation | G. K. Beale with David H. Campbell Gallery Revelation | G. K. Beale with David H. Campbell Book Reviews, Theology
Revelations of Divine Love | Julian of Norwich Gallery Revelations of Divine Love | Julian of Norwich Book Reviews, Spiritual Formation
Rooted Leadership | John E. Johnson Gallery Rooted Leadership | John E. Johnson Book Reviews, Leadership
Run with the Horses | Eugene H. Peterson Gallery Run with the Horses | Eugene H. Peterson Book Reviews, Spiritual Formation
Sabbath as Resistance | Walter Brueggemann Gallery Sabbath as Resistance | Walter Brueggemann Book Reviews, Theology
Salvation by Allegiance Alone | Matthew W. Bates Gallery Salvation by Allegiance Alone | Matthew W. Bates Book Reviews, Theology
Salvation Means Creation Healed | Howard A. Snyder Gallery Salvation Means Creation Healed | Howard A. Snyder Book Reviews, Theology
Secrets in the Dark | Frederick Buechner Gallery Secrets in the Dark | Frederick Buechner Book Reviews, Spiritual Formation
Seven Things I Wish Christians Knew about the Bible | Michael F. Bird Gallery Seven Things I Wish Christians Knew about the Bible | Michael F. Bird Book Reviews, Theology
Shepherds after My own Heart | Timothy S. Laniak Gallery Shepherds after My own Heart | Timothy S. Laniak Book Reviews, Theology
Simply Spirit-Filled | Andrew K. Gabriel Gallery Simply Spirit-Filled | Andrew K. Gabriel Book Reviews, Spiritual Formation
Sinners in the Hands of a Loving God | Brian Zahnd Gallery Sinners in the Hands of a Loving God | Brian Zahnd Book Reviews, Spiritual Formation
Slow Kingdom Coming | Kent Annan Gallery Slow Kingdom Coming | Kent Annan Book Reviews, Spiritual Formation
Spirit Hermeneutics | Craig S. Keener Gallery Spirit Hermeneutics | Craig S. Keener Book Reviews, Theology
Spirit, Scripture, and Theology | Roger Stronstad Gallery Spirit, Scripture, and Theology | Roger Stronstad Book Reviews, Theology
Spiritual Leadership | J. Oswald Sanders Gallery Spiritual Leadership | J. Oswald Sanders Book Reviews, Leadership
Suspicion & Faith | Merold Westphal Gallery Suspicion & Faith | Merold Westphal Book Reviews, Theology
Telling God’s Story | John W. Wright Gallery Telling God’s Story | John W. Wright Book Reviews, Theology
Tempered Resilience | Tod Bolsinger Gallery Tempered Resilience | Tod Bolsinger Book Reviews, Leadership
That the World May Believe | Hans Küng Gallery That the World May Believe | Hans Küng Book Reviews, Spiritual Formation
The 21st Century Pastor | David Fisher Gallery The 21st Century Pastor | David Fisher Book Reviews, Theology
The Acts of the Apostles | James D. G. Dunn Gallery The Acts of the Apostles | James D. G. Dunn Book Reviews, Theology
The Advent of Justice | Sylvia Keesmaat Gallery The Advent of Justice | Sylvia Keesmaat Book Reviews, Spiritual Formation
The Apocalyptic Imagination | John J. Collins Gallery The Apocalyptic Imagination | John J. Collins Book Reviews, Theology
The Apostle Paul | Stanley E. Porter Gallery The Apostle Paul | Stanley E. Porter Book Reviews, Theology
The Art of Biblical Interpretation | Robert Alter Gallery The Art of Biblical Interpretation | Robert Alter Book Reviews, Theology
The Bible Makes Sense | Walter Brueggemann Gallery The Bible Makes Sense | Walter Brueggemann Book Reviews, Theology
The Bible Tells Me So … | Peter Enns Gallery The Bible Tells Me So … | Peter Enns Book Reviews, Theology
The Blackwell Companion to Jesus | Delbert Burkett, ed. Gallery The Blackwell Companion to Jesus | Delbert Burkett, ed. Book Reviews, Theology
The Blackwell Reader in Pastoral and Practical Theology | James Woodward and Stephen Pattison Gallery The Blackwell Reader in Pastoral and Practical Theology | James Woodward and Stephen Pattison Book Reviews, Theology
The Book of Ecclesiastes (NICOT) | Termper Longman III Gallery The Book of Ecclesiastes (NICOT) | Termper Longman III Book Reviews, Theology
The Book of Genesis Illustrated | R. Crumb Gallery The Book of Genesis Illustrated | R. Crumb Book Reviews, Theology
The Book of Pastoral Rule | Gregory the Great Gallery The Book of Pastoral Rule | Gregory the Great Book Reviews, Theology
The Book of the People | A. N. Wilson Gallery The Book of the People | A. N. Wilson Book Reviews, Theology
The Book that Breathes New Life | Walter Brueggemann Gallery The Book that Breathes New Life | Walter Brueggemann Book Reviews, Theology
The Burial of Jesus | James F. McGrath Gallery The Burial of Jesus | James F. McGrath Book Reviews, Theology
The Challenge of Jesus | N. T. Wright Gallery The Challenge of Jesus | N. T. Wright Book Reviews, Theology
The Charismatic Theology of St. Luke | Roger Stronstad Gallery The Charismatic Theology of St. Luke | Roger Stronstad Book Reviews, Theology
The Christian Faith| Colin E. Gunton Gallery The Christian Faith| Colin E. Gunton Book Reviews, Theology
The Christian Writer’s Market Guide 2012 | Jerry B. Jenkins Gallery The Christian Writer’s Market Guide 2012 | Jerry B. Jenkins Book Reviews, Resource
The Church Who Hears God’s Voice | Tania Harris Gallery The Church Who Hears God’s Voice | Tania Harris Book Reviews, Theology
The Connecting Church 2.0 | Randy Frazee Gallery The Connecting Church 2.0 | Randy Frazee Book Reviews, Leadership
The Crucified God | Jürgen Moltmann Gallery The Crucified God | Jürgen Moltmann Book Reviews, Theology
The Deeply Formed Life | Rich Villodas Gallery The Deeply Formed Life | Rich Villodas Book Reviews, Spiritual Formation
The Desert Fathers | Helen Waddell Gallery The Desert Fathers | Helen Waddell Book Reviews, Spiritual Formation
The Disciple-Making Pastor | Bill Hull Gallery The Disciple-Making Pastor | Bill Hull Book Reviews, Leadership
The Discourses | Symeon the New Theologian Gallery The Discourses | Symeon the New Theologian Book Reviews, Spiritual Formation
The Divine Magician | Peter Rollins Gallery The Divine Magician | Peter Rollins Book Reviews, Theology
The Divine Milieu | Pierre Teilhard de Chardin Gallery The Divine Milieu | Pierre Teilhard de Chardin Book Reviews, Theology
The Drama of Ephesians | Timothy G. Gombis Gallery The Drama of Ephesians | Timothy G. Gombis Book Reviews, Theology
The Emotionally Healthy Leader | Peter Scazzero Gallery The Emotionally Healthy Leader | Peter Scazzero Book Reviews, Leadership
The Epistles to the Colossians and to Philemon | James D. G. Dunn Gallery The Epistles to the Colossians and to Philemon | James D. G. Dunn Book Reviews, Theology
The Exodus | Richard Elliott Friedman Gallery The Exodus | Richard Elliott Friedman Book Reviews, Theology
The Faces of Jesus | Frederick Buechner Gallery The Faces of Jesus | Frederick Buechner Book Reviews, Spiritual Formation
The First Book of Samuel | David Toshio Tsumura Gallery The First Book of Samuel | David Toshio Tsumura Book Reviews, Theology
The Friendship of the Lord | Deryck Sheriffs Gallery The Friendship of the Lord | Deryck Sheriffs Book Reviews, Theology
The Genesis of Gender | Abigail Favale Gallery The Genesis of Gender | Abigail Favale Book Reviews, Theology
The Gift of Prophecy | Wayne Grudem Gallery The Gift of Prophecy | Wayne Grudem Book Reviews, Theology
The Good and Beautiful God | James Bryan Smith Gallery The Good and Beautiful God | James Bryan Smith Book Reviews, Spiritual Formation
The Good and Beautiful Life | James Bryan Smith Gallery The Good and Beautiful Life | James Bryan Smith Book Reviews, Spiritual Formation
The Gospel According to the Earth | Matthew Sleeth Gallery The Gospel According to the Earth | Matthew Sleeth Book Reviews, Spiritual Formation
The Gospel in a Pluralist Society | Lesslie Newbigin Gallery The Gospel in a Pluralist Society | Lesslie Newbigin Book Reviews, Theology
The Grasshopper Myth | Karl Vaters Gallery The Grasshopper Myth | Karl Vaters Book Reviews, Leadership
The Great Omission | Dallas Willard Gallery The Great Omission | Dallas Willard Book Reviews, Spiritual Formation
The Great Sex Rescue | Sheila Wray Gregoire, et al. Gallery The Great Sex Rescue | Sheila Wray Gregoire, et al. Book Reviews, Spiritual Formation
The Healthy Small Church | Dennis Bickers Gallery The Healthy Small Church | Dennis Bickers Book Reviews, Leadership
The Heartbeat of Old Testament Theology | Mark J. Boda Gallery The Heartbeat of Old Testament Theology | Mark J. Boda Book Reviews, Theology
The Hebrew Bible as Literature | Tod Linafelt Gallery The Hebrew Bible as Literature | Tod Linafelt Book Reviews, Theology
The Hebrew Prophets | Lion Publishing Gallery The Hebrew Prophets | Lion Publishing Book Reviews, Theology
The Hermeneutical Spirit | Amos Yong Gallery The Hermeneutical Spirit | Amos Yong Book Reviews, Theology
The Historical Figure of Jesus | E. P. Sanders Gallery The Historical Figure of Jesus | E. P. Sanders Book Reviews, Theology
The Holy Spirit and Spiritual Gifts | Max Turner Gallery The Holy Spirit and Spiritual Gifts | Max Turner Book Reviews, Theology
The Holy Spirit in Worship Music, Preaching, and the Altar | Josh P. S. Samuel Gallery The Holy Spirit in Worship Music, Preaching, and the Altar | Josh P. S. Samuel Book Reviews, Theology
The Home of God | Miroslav Volf and Ryan McAnnally-Linz Gallery The Home of God | Miroslav Volf and Ryan McAnnally-Linz Book Reviews, Theology
The Imitation of Christ | Thomas à Kempis Gallery The Imitation of Christ | Thomas à Kempis Book Reviews, Spiritual Formation
The Irresistible Church | Wayne Cordeiro Gallery The Irresistible Church | Wayne Cordeiro Book Reviews, Leadership
The Irresistible Revolution | Shane Claiborne Gallery The Irresistible Revolution | Shane Claiborne Book Reviews, Spiritual Formation
The Jesus Creed | Scot McKnight Gallery The Jesus Creed | Scot McKnight Book Reviews, Spiritual Formation
The Laments of Jeremiah and Their Contexts | Mark S. Smith Gallery The Laments of Jeremiah and Their Contexts | Mark S. Smith Book Reviews, Theology
The Leadership Challenge | James M. Kouzes and Barry Z. Posner Gallery The Leadership Challenge | James M. Kouzes and Barry Z. Posner Book Reviews, Leadership
The Letter of James | Douglas J. Moo Gallery The Letter of James | Douglas J. Moo Book Reviews, Theology
The Life of the Spirit | Jürgen Moltmann Gallery The Life of the Spirit | Jürgen Moltmann Book Reviews, Theology
The Little Flowers of St. Francis of Assisi | Ugolino Brunforte Gallery The Little Flowers of St. Francis of Assisi | Ugolino Brunforte Book Reviews, Spiritual Formation
The Liturgical Year | Joan Chittister Gallery The Liturgical Year | Joan Chittister Book Reviews, Spiritual Formation
The Lord’s Supper | Thomas R. Schreiner & Matthew R. Crawford Gallery The Lord’s Supper | Thomas R. Schreiner & Matthew R. Crawford Book Reviews, Theology
The Lost World of Adam and Eve | John H. Walton Gallery The Lost World of Adam and Eve | John H. Walton Book Reviews, Theology
The Lost World of Genesis One | John H. Walton Gallery The Lost World of Genesis One | John H. Walton Book Reviews, Theology
The Making of an Ordinary Saint | Nathan Foster Gallery The Making of an Ordinary Saint | Nathan Foster Book Reviews, Spiritual Formation
The Making of Biblical Womanhood | Beth Allison Barr Gallery The Making of Biblical Womanhood | Beth Allison Barr Book Reviews, Theology
The Meaning of City | Jacques Ellul Gallery The Meaning of City | Jacques Ellul Book Reviews, Theology
The Meaning of Marriage | Timothy Keller with Kathy Keller Gallery The Meaning of Marriage | Timothy Keller with Kathy Keller Book Reviews, Spiritual Formation
The Mediation of the Spirit | Mark J. Cartledge Gallery The Mediation of the Spirit | Mark J. Cartledge Book Reviews, Theology
The Message of the Sermon on the Mount | John R. W. Stott Gallery The Message of the Sermon on the Mount | John R. W. Stott Book Reviews, Theology
The Message Remix | Eugene H. Peterson Gallery The Message Remix | Eugene H. Peterson Book Reviews, Theology
The New Canadian Pentecostals | Adam Stewart Gallery The New Canadian Pentecostals | Adam Stewart Book Reviews, Theology
The New Pastor’s Handbook | Jason Helopoulos Gallery The New Pastor’s Handbook | Jason Helopoulos Book Reviews, Leadership
The Old Testament and Christian Spirituality | Christo Lombaard Gallery The Old Testament and Christian Spirituality | Christo Lombaard Book Reviews, Theology
The Pastor as Public Theologian | Kevin J. Vanhoozer & Owen Strachan Gallery The Pastor as Public Theologian | Kevin J. Vanhoozer & Owen Strachan Book Reviews, Theology
The Pastor’s Bookshelf | Austin Carty Gallery The Pastor’s Bookshelf | Austin Carty Book Reviews, Leadership
The Peaceable Kingdom | Stanley Hauerwas Gallery The Peaceable Kingdom | Stanley Hauerwas Book Reviews, Theology
The Pentecostals | Walter J. Hollenweger Gallery The Pentecostals | Walter J. Hollenweger Book Reviews, Theology
The Pietist Option | Christopher Gehrz and Mark Pattie III Gallery The Pietist Option | Christopher Gehrz and Mark Pattie III Book Reviews, Theology
The Politics of Jesus | John Howard Yoder Gallery The Politics of Jesus | John Howard Yoder Book Reviews, The Politics of Jesus, Theology
The Power of Habit | Charles Duhigg Gallery The Power of Habit | Charles Duhigg Book Reviews, Leadership
The Practice of Prophecy | Dennis Lum Gallery The Practice of Prophecy | Dennis Lum Book Reviews, Theology
The Practice of Prophetic Imagination | Walter Brueggemann Gallery The Practice of Prophetic Imagination | Walter Brueggemann Book Reviews, Theology
The Practice of the Presence of God | Lawrence of the Resurrection Gallery The Practice of the Presence of God | Lawrence of the Resurrection Book Reviews, Spiritual Formation
The Practices of Christian Preaching | Jared E. Alcántara Gallery The Practices of Christian Preaching | Jared E. Alcántara Book Reviews, Theology
The Praxis of Suffering | Rebecca S. Chopp Gallery The Praxis of Suffering | Rebecca S. Chopp Book Reviews, Theology
The Process Perspective | John B. Cobb, Jr. Gallery The Process Perspective | John B. Cobb, Jr. Book Reviews, Theology
The Process Perspective II | John B. Cobb, Jr. Gallery The Process Perspective II | John B. Cobb, Jr. Book Reviews, Theology
The Prophethood of All Believers | Roger Stronstad Gallery The Prophethood of All Believers | Roger Stronstad Book Reviews, Theology
The Prophetic Imagination | Walter Brueggemann Gallery The Prophetic Imagination | Walter Brueggemann Book Reviews, Theology
The Quest | Lyman C. D. Kulathungam Gallery The Quest | Lyman C. D. Kulathungam Book Reviews, Theology
The Resilient Pastor | Glenn Packiam Gallery The Resilient Pastor | Glenn Packiam Book Reviews, Leadership
The Resurrection of the Son of God | N. T. Wright Gallery The Resurrection of the Son of God | N. T. Wright Book Reviews, Theology
The Sacred Journey | Charles Foster Gallery The Sacred Journey | Charles Foster Book Reviews, Spiritual Formation
The Sacred Meal | Nora Gallagher Gallery The Sacred Meal | Nora Gallagher Book Reviews, Spiritual Formation
The Scandal of the Incarnation | Irenaeus and von Balthasar Gallery The Scandal of the Incarnation | Irenaeus and von Balthasar Book Reviews, Theology
The Screwtape Letters | C. S. Lewis Gallery The Screwtape Letters | C. S. Lewis Book Reviews, Theology
The Secret Message of Jesus | Brian D. McLaren Gallery The Secret Message of Jesus | Brian D. McLaren Book Reviews, Spiritual Formation
The Self-Aware Leader | Terry Linhart Gallery The Self-Aware Leader | Terry Linhart Book Reviews, Leadership
The Servant Leader | Ken Blanchard and Phil Hodges Gallery The Servant Leader | Ken Blanchard and Phil Hodges Book Reviews, Leadership
The Shadow of the Almighty | Ben Witherington III & Laura M. Ice Gallery The Shadow of the Almighty | Ben Witherington III & Laura M. Ice Book Reviews, Theology
The Shape of Practical Theology | Ray S. Anderson Gallery The Shape of Practical Theology | Ray S. Anderson Book Reviews, Theology
The Shepherd Leader | Timothy Z. Witmer Gallery The Shepherd Leader | Timothy Z. Witmer Book Reviews, Leadership
The Silence of God | Helmut Thielicke Gallery The Silence of God | Helmut Thielicke Book Reviews, Spiritual Formation
The Sin of Certainty | Peter Enns Gallery The Sin of Certainty | Peter Enns Book Reviews, Spiritual Formation
The Snakebite Letters | Peter Kreeft Gallery The Snakebite Letters | Peter Kreeft Book Reviews, Theology
The Soul of C. S. Lewis | Martindale, Root, & Washington Gallery The Soul of C. S. Lewis | Martindale, Root, & Washington Book Reviews, Spiritual Formation
The Spirit and the Common Good | Daniela C. Augustine Gallery The Spirit and the Common Good | Daniela C. Augustine Book Reviews, Theology
The Spirit of the Book of Revelation | Robby Waddell Gallery The Spirit of the Book of Revelation | Robby Waddell Book Reviews, Theology
The Spirituality of the Psalms | Walter Brueggemann Gallery The Spirituality of the Psalms | Walter Brueggemann Book Reviews, Theology
The State of the Evangelical Mind | Todd C. Ream, et al., eds. Gallery The State of the Evangelical Mind | Todd C. Ream, et al., eds. Book Reviews, Leadership
The Subversion of Christianity | Jacques Ellul Gallery The Subversion of Christianity | Jacques Ellul Book Reviews, Theology
The Theology of Paul the Apostle | James D. G. Dunn Gallery The Theology of Paul the Apostle | James D. G. Dunn Book Reviews, The Theology of the Apostle Paul, Theology
The Threat of Life | Walter Brueggemann Gallery The Threat of Life | Walter Brueggemann Book Reviews, Spiritual Formation
The Uncontrolling Love of God | Thomas Jay Oord Gallery The Uncontrolling Love of God | Thomas Jay Oord Book Reviews, Theology
The Versatility of Paul | Robert Banks Gallery The Versatility of Paul | Robert Banks Book Reviews, Theology
The Way of Discernment | Elizabeth Liebert Gallery The Way of Discernment | Elizabeth Liebert Book Reviews, Spiritual Formation
Theological Roots of Pentecostalism | Donald W. Dayton Gallery Theological Roots of Pentecostalism | Donald W. Dayton Book Reviews, Theology
Theology and Climate Change | Paul Tyson Gallery Theology and Climate Change | Paul Tyson Book Reviews, Theology
Theology of the Old Testament | Walter Brueggemann Gallery Theology of the Old Testament | Walter Brueggemann Book Reviews, Theology
Theology, Fantasy, and the Imagination | Andrew D. Thrasher and Austin M. Freeman, eds. Gallery Theology, Fantasy, and the Imagination | Andrew D. Thrasher and Austin M. Freeman, eds. Book Reviews, Theology
They Smell Like Sheep | Lynn Anderson Gallery They Smell Like Sheep | Lynn Anderson Book Reviews, Leadership
Thinking Through Paul | Bruce W. Longenecker and Todd D. Still Gallery Thinking Through Paul | Bruce W. Longenecker and Todd D. Still Book Reviews, Theology
Three Philosophies of Life | Peter Kreeft Gallery Three Philosophies of Life | Peter Kreeft Book Reviews, Theology
To Know As We Are Known | Parker J. Palmer Gallery To Know As We Are Known | Parker J. Palmer Book Reviews, Spiritual Formation
To Walk and Not Faint | Marva J. Dawn Gallery To Walk and Not Faint | Marva J. Dawn Book Reviews, Spiritual Formation
Tokens of Trust | Rowan Williams Gallery Tokens of Trust | Rowan Williams Book Reviews, Spiritual Formation
Topical Preaching in a Complex World | Sam Chan and Malcolm Gill Gallery Topical Preaching in a Complex World | Sam Chan and Malcolm Gill Book Reviews, Theology
Toward a Pentecostal Theology of Preaching | Lee Roy Martin, ed. Gallery Toward a Pentecostal Theology of Preaching | Lee Roy Martin, ed. Book Reviews, Theology
Transforming Practice | Elaine L. Graham Gallery Transforming Practice | Elaine L. Graham Book Reviews, Theology
Trauma-Informed Pastoral Care | Karen A. McClintock Gallery Trauma-Informed Pastoral Care | Karen A. McClintock Book Reviews, Theology
Two Sisters in the Spirit | Hans Urs von Balthasar Gallery Two Sisters in the Spirit | Hans Urs von Balthasar Book Reviews, Theology
Understanding Four Views on the Lord’s Supper | John H. Armstrong Gallery Understanding Four Views on the Lord’s Supper | John H. Armstrong Book Reviews, Theology
Untamed | Alan Hirsch & Deborah Hirsch Gallery Untamed | Alan Hirsch & Deborah Hirsch Book Reviews, Theology
What Are the Dead Sea Scrolls and Why Do They Matter? | David Noel Freedman and Pam Fox Kuhlken Gallery What Are the Dead Sea Scrolls and Why Do They Matter? | David Noel Freedman and Pam Fox Kuhlken Book Reviews, Theology
What is Contemplation? | Thomas Merton Gallery What is Contemplation? | Thomas Merton Book Reviews, Spiritual Formation
What the Old Testament Authors Really Cared About | Jason S. Derouchie, ed. Gallery What the Old Testament Authors Really Cared About | Jason S. Derouchie, ed. Book Reviews, Theology
When Everything’s On Fire | Brian Zahnd Gallery When Everything’s On Fire | Brian Zahnd Book Reviews, Spiritual Formation
When Helping Hurts | Steve Corbett & Brian Fikkert Gallery When Helping Hurts | Steve Corbett & Brian Fikkert Book Reviews, Leadership
When Narcissism Comes to Church | Chuck DeGroat Gallery When Narcissism Comes to Church | Chuck DeGroat Book Reviews, Leadership
Who Killed Jesus? | John Dominic Crossan Gallery Who Killed Jesus? | John Dominic Crossan Book Reviews, Theology
With the Grain of the Universe | Stanley Hauerwas Gallery With the Grain of the Universe | Stanley Hauerwas Book Reviews, Theology
Writing Your Dissertation in Fifteen Minutes a Day | Joan Bolker Gallery Writing Your Dissertation in Fifteen Minutes a Day | Joan Bolker Book Reviews, Resource
You Are What You Love | James K. A. Smith Gallery You Are What You Love | James K. A. Smith Book Reviews, Spiritual Formation