The Home of God coverMiroslav Volf and Ryan McAnnally-Linz have presented a remarkably expansive theological vision—truly, A Brief Story of Everything. Our world is disordered, sin-twisted. The authors describe God’s plan, from creation to new creation, to set things aright.

The main thesis of this book is that Christian faith actually offers a vision of a form of the world toward which we can joyfully direct our hopes and strivings. (2)

This vision is centred on God’s desire to be our home. This metaphor surpasses the idea of God making creation his temple, or setting up his kingdom in the world, because of “its focus on the singular and supreme importance of God” (13) without losing sight of the significance his creation.

The home of God metaphor allows us to hold on to both the centrality of God and the worldly character of ultimate fulfillment. Every good comes from God, creatures’ ultimate fulfillment most of all. (13)

The book is structured as a theological commentary on key swaths of scripture, as the authors highlight and build their argument. Key texts include the exodus and giving of the law, the incarnation of Jesus as interpreted in John, and the final vision of Revelation.

There is much to admire in this book. The exegetical and theological insight is rich, providing substance for a theological vision that’s overwhelmingly beautiful—as all profoundly true things must be. This is a book to be savoured.

Volf, Miroslav and Ryan McAnnally-Linz. The Home of God: A Brief Story of Everything. Brazos Press, 2022. Theology for the Life of the World.

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