House of Chains coverJust when you think you understand how Erikson writes novels, he breaks his own mold. I started this audiobook on a 10 hour+ road trip. For the first few hours, I wondered whether I had accidentally downloaded the wrong book!

Erikson begins with a lengthy story about Karsa Orlong, a young Teblor from Northern Genebakis. Karsa’s story is compelling in itself, but when you start to see the connections form within the broader Malazan world, the novel becomes un-put-down-able.

The majority of the lengthy novel is a follow-up to Book 2, Deadhouse Gates. We finally see Tavore Paran’s encounter with Sha’ik’s whirlwind. And of course, we catch glimpses of the deeper truths behind the mere physical world. The ancient drama of elder races and their warrens underpin everything that happens.

The Malazan world continues to become deeper and richer in unconventional ways. What a ride.

Erikson, Steven. House of Chains. Narrated by Michael Page, audiobook ed., unabridged ed., Transworld, 2019. Malazan Book of the Fallen 4.

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