The Pastor's Bookshelf coverI wanted this book to be true—and it didn’t let me down.

In a brief 150 pages, Austin Carty argues that pastors should read good literature because literature helps to form us rather than merely inform our minds. Good literature is a window into human nature.

Anyone who’s ever pastored knows that there’s never enough time to accomplish everything. We pastors choose our priorities and act accordingly. For Carty, reading literature isn’t a luxury—it’s essential. Literature informs our preaching and helps to support the emotional intelligence required for good pastoral care.

This volume concludes with some more practical suggestions on how to make reading a habit—along with how to track your reading and file important quotes to access later. Even the practical portions of this book were beautifully written. You can tell that Carty practices what he preaches.

I wanted this book to be true because, selfishly, I love reading. That said, Carty’s arguments may even persuade some to pick up Crime and Punishment or The Power and the Glory. Human nature is laid bare for those who take and read the classics.

Carty, Austin. The Pastor’s Bookshelf: Why Reading Matters for Ministry. William B. Eerdmans Publishing, 2022.

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