The Pietist Option coverPietism is a German Lutheran movement from the 17th century. In The Pietist Option, Christopher Gehrz and Mark Pattie III argue for a return to the ethos of this renewal movement.

The Pietist option is to opt in to a distinctively hopeful way of coming back to Jesus: growing to be more and more like him, living at peace as part of his body, and fulfilling his mission in service to others. (9)

The authors draw deeply on Philipp Spener’s Pia Desideria (1675). In fact, chapters 3 through 8 “mirror” the structure of Spener’s work (10):

  • A More Extensive Listening to the Word of God
  • The Common Priesthood for the Common Good
  • Christianity as Life
  • The Irenic Spirit
  • Whole-Person, Whole-Life Formation
  • Proclaiming the Good News

Each of these six theme is important. Unfortunately, Gehrz and Pattie stay on the surface of things, quoting Spener and calling for people to return to Jesus. The Pietist Option tastes more like a snack than a meal. Those seeking a deeper devotion to Jesus will need to keep searching.

Gehrz, Christopher and Mark Pattie III. The Pietist Option: Hope for the Renewal of Christianity. InterVarsity Press, 2017.

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