The cover of Jordan and Sanderson's Towers of MidnightThe intensity builds as the last battle begins. Trollocs and Myrddrall flood in from the Blight while humanity engages in last-ditch efforts to stall the onslaught. Heroes are reforged and nations are called to fall in line. The wolf meets the Amyrlin in Tel’aran’rhoid and … well let’s just concede that this is one of the most exciting entries in The Wheel of Time!

The most satisfying element of Towers was the Tower of Genghis. This lengthy, well-written climax was thrilling and enlightening. The gambler loses half the light of the world, but gains …

I thought this the first time I read it, but listening through the story by audiobook this time just confirms my initial reaction. Brandon Sanderson accomplished the impossible in drawing one of the lengthiest fantasy cycles towards a conclusion that satisfies on every level.

All that’s left now is A Memory of Light.

Jordan, Robert and Brandon Sanderson. Towers of Midnight. TOR, 2010. The Wheel of Time 13.

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