Stephen Barkley


The cover of Dugan's Leadership TheoryLeadership theory was first developed when people noticed the sort of qualities that great leaders possessed. If great leaders are bold, then shouldn’t we be bold if we want to lead well? Of course the answer isn’t so simple.

Leadership models and theories have proliferated throughout the second half of the twentieth century and they show no sign of abating. The focus has shifted from the leader to the leadership process that involves teamwork. The latest theories have even given consideration to the goal of leadership. Was Hitler a great leader? *awkward*

John P. Dugan surveys and categorizes leadership literature (no small task). More importantly, he evaluates the various models and theories with a critical eye. Since leadership theory is a social construct, there are moral implications. There are times when I agreed with his critique and times when I disagreed—but in every case I came away with a deeper understanding of the implications of the various theories and models.

Leadership is a multi-billion dollar industry. Gurus salivate at the thought of writing the next theory and assessment tool that Fortune 500 companies will purchase and use to train their employees. With such a financial motivation, thin-research abounds! Dugan helpfully notes which theories are empirically verified and what, precisely, that verification means.

To top it all off, Dugan has a sense of humour and it shows! Leadership Theory is an excellent critical survey of the leadership landscape.

Dugan, John P. Leadership Theory: Cultivating Critical Perspectives. Jossey-Bass, 2017.

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