Stephen Barkley


I began last year’s list with, “Well, 2020 happened.” Well, 2021 happened too! Over the past year I resigned my 12-year pastorate at Wellington Street Pentecostal Church in Bracebridge, Ontario and moved my family to Peterborough, Ontario to become the Director of Pastoral Leadership at Master’s College and Seminary. Since I’m now part of the full-time teaching faculty, you’ll see a variety of books in this year’s list that support my courses.

If you’re new to this blog, I read about a book a week—a practice I’ve maintained since I returned to Seminary in 2000. My reading journal, which began in a paper notebook in 2000, moved online in 2008. You can read my thoughts on all the books I’ve read since 2008 (if you want to). I increased my pandemic reading quite a bit—to around 75 books—so this list will be longer than usual. You should also know that I have book reviews scheduled to be published months ahead of time so this list technically only reflects the book reviews I published on my blog in 2021.

A couple notes before we begin. The categories are not perfect but they’ll do the job. I do read odd books from time-to-time that don’t fit in any one category. All the books are linked to my book reviews if you’re curious. Finally, for the OCD among us, each section is alphabetized by the author’s last name.


The cover of Dostoyevsky's Crime and Punishment

As you can see, Robert Jordan dominated this list. The reason for this is my running habit. I ran 1,744 km in 2021 with The Wheel of Time in my earbuds. It was a fantastic way to relive the epic 15 book saga. Although there are some strong books in this series, my favourite from this category has to be Crime and Punishment. This dark book vividly illustrates the nature of sin and the psychology of repentance. It’s a classic for good reason!


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