The cover of Gee's Concerning Spiritual GiftsDonald Gee (1891–1966) is a legend. Described by Hollenweger as “A Pentecostal Gentleman” (The Pentecostals 208), Gee was known for his careful pentecostal Biblical teaching that took him to Europe, Africa, Australia, China, and North America.

Concerning Spiritual Gifts was prepared while on these teaching tours. It is a short volume that contains detailed teaching on the gifts of the Spirit listed in 1 Corinthians 12. In particular, Gee describes these gifts and explains how they should be welcomed and practiced in our churches.

I purchased this book for its historical value. I’m writing about Pentecostals and prophecy and this book influenced many people. I was pleasantly surprised by the depth of wisdom Gee displays. Notable is the way he illustrates the gifts of the Spirit using Old Testament examples.

Concerning Spiritual Gifts is more than a historical document. It’s a simple yet substantial consideration of spiritual gifts and a plea to be pentecostal in practice, not just words.

Gee, Donald. Concerning Spiritual Gifts. Radiant Books, 1994.

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