Stephen Barkley


The cover of Hirsch & Hirsch's UntamedAlan and Debra Hirsch are a couple of firecrackers. Fed up with the bourgeoisie Christianity of the West, they live and advocate a radical form of discipleship rooted in the missio dei. In their words:

We will present to you a holiness more akin to a gutsy, inclusive, gritty faith than the moralistic, exclusive, sterile version Christians have become known for. (27)

This gutsy type of discipleship challenges us to radically reevaluate our commitments to culture. If we correct our understanding of God, we’ll recognize that the cultural norms we take for granted rooted in consumerism might just be anti-Christian!

This book could very well offend the comfortable, but it’s good to be offended if it goads us closer to the God who sent his Son into the world and who now sends us.

Hirsch, Alan and Debra Hirsch. Untamed: Reactivating a Missional Form of Discipleship. Baker, 2010.

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