Stephen Barkley


The cover of King's ElevationLike any classic Stephen King story, a central mystery lies at its core. Scott Carey, an average person, begins to lose weight. The problem is, his waistline isn’t shrinking. His form factor stays the same even as, day by day, the pounds tick down. It’s the sort of idea that grabs you by the imagination and doesn’t let go.

Intertwined with this mystery is Scott’s uneasy relationship with his neighbours and their messy dogs. The two women are married, which causes quite a stir in small-town Castle Rock. Their relationship with Scott is remarkably complex for such a small book.

This is precisely what makes Elevation such a memorable book. The mystery sets the stage for the human connections. In the end, you care more for the people than a resolution.

At 160 pages, this offering ranks as a “novella” by King standards. If you’re looking to lose yourself in a book some rainy afternoon, Elevation will do the trick.

King, Stephen. Elevation. New York: Scribner, 2018.

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