Clark H. PinnockWe have placed such emphasis on the legal dimension of atonement that the resurrection, which does not address that issue as framed, drops away as a saving event.

— Pinnock, Flame of Love, 99.

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  1. Randy December 7, 2018 at 8:12 am

    This semester in Soteriology, our course reader included chapters Newbigin, Bloesch and Pinnock. Because I was in the group required to defend Open Theism, I purchased “The Openness of God: A Biblical Challenge to the Traditional Understanding of God” that Pinnock co-authored.

    Can you provide a bit of a teaser as to where Pinnock will take us to understand how the resurrection relates to a saving event?

  2. Stephen Barkley December 8, 2018 at 1:26 pm

    Sure. Pinnock prioritizes the early Christian doctrine of theosis (or divinization). Athanasius said it most concisely: God became man that we might become god (not ontologically, but through adoption).

    In his incarnation-life-death-resurrection-ascension-(and Macchia would add Spirit-giving), Jesus redeems our human nature and draws us into the life of God. Jesus, in his resurrection, is the firstfruits from the dead. He blazed the path that we follow.

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