Stephen Barkley


Old Hymn BookI have an interesting collection of old hymn books. I have the Gospel Publishing house editions I was raised on, paperback holiness crusade songbooks from the 1920s, a Scottish hymnal with the pages bisected so you can mix-and-match lyrics with melodies, and even a small German hymn book given to me by a friend after an overseas trip. The oldest hymn books in my collection date back to 1800s.

None of these compare to the Psalms.

The Book of Psalms has been the hymn book of the Jewish people for almost 3,000 years. For Christians, the Book of Psalms is the most frequently quoted book in the New Testament. Even today, popular songwriters mine the Psalms for inspiration.

Over the summer of 2018, I shared a series of messages on the songs we sing that are rooted in the ancient Psalms. You can find the full audio recordings of them on my Sermons page. I’ve also summarized these messages on my church’s YouTube channel. Why not read the Psalm and reflect on it along with me?

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