Teacher | Author | Practical Theologian
July 27, 2018
Stephen Barkley
[P]entecostal spirituality is a nexus of practices that dispose us to imagine the world in a certain way, to “make” the world under a Spirit-charged construal.
— Smith, Thinking in Tongues, 30.
That’s a short review…not that interesting..or too many distractions? The title does grab my attention…can I borrow it?
Actually, this is just a quote from Smith’s Thinking in Tongues. If you’re still interested, you’re welcome to borrow it!
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Book Reviews, Literature
Book Reviews, Culture
Book Reviews, Leadership
That’s a short review…not that interesting..or too many distractions? The title does grab my attention…can I borrow it?
Actually, this is just a quote from Smith’s Thinking in Tongues. If you’re still interested, you’re welcome to borrow it!