The cover of Downie & Lemire's Secret PathSecret Path is many things—a collection of 10 poems by Gord Downie, a graphic novel by Jeff Lemire, an album by the frontman of the Tragically Hip, the true story of Chanie Wenjack.

Chanie died on October 22, 1966 after running away from the Residential School near Kenora to find his father. Downie, inspired by a story in MacLean’s magazine, brought Chanie’s story to light fifty years after the tragedy.

The album-sized graphic novel when paired with the album is a moving experience. Listen to the album while reading the poem and leafing through the pages and Chanie’s short life comes alive.

To dive deeper into the story of Chanie, read Lee Water’s article in the First Nations Drum and watch the two hour CBC special on YouTube.

Downie, Gord and Jeff Lemire, Secret Path. Toronto, ON: Simon & Schuster Canada, 2016.

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