Galatians is a powerful letter that has inspired many responses. Luther’s Commentary on St. Paul’s Epistle to the Galatians was one of his most important works. In it he fleshed out what it meant to be justified by Christ’s merits alone. Eugene Peterson was so driven to communicate the truth of Galatians to his church, he translated it into modern language—the birth of The Message. Now Timothy Keller launches a new study guide series: Galatians for You. (I wonder: is For You a comment on N. T. Wright’s For Everyone series?)
Having read this letter and many of its chief commentators in the past, I wanted a fresh take on it to inspire a weekly Bible Study and Prayer meeting at my church. Timothy Keller’s work fit the bill.
Keller is that unique person who is able to marry deep theological truth to practical reflection. On page after page, you are led to reflect on the meaning of the passage as well as how it can change your life. This is one of the few study guides where I’ve actually used many of the discussion questions at the end of each section.
I do have a few issues with Keller, largely resulting from the theological disconnect between my Wesleyan-Arminian roots and his Calvinism. I also was disappointed by his lack of interaction with the New Perspective on Paul (although he does offer a short appendix on his rationale).
That said, these issues are minor. Like the cover says, this is an excellent book for you to read, feed, and lead others with.
—Timothy Keller, Galatians for You (Surrey, UK: The Good Book Company, 2013).
Stephen Barkley
Having read this letter and many of its chief commentators in the past, I wanted a fresh take on it to inspire a weekly Bible Study and Prayer meeting at my church. Timothy Keller’s work fit the bill.
Keller is that unique person who is able to marry deep theological truth to practical reflection. On page after page, you are led to reflect on the meaning of the passage as well as how it can change your life. This is one of the few study guides where I’ve actually used many of the discussion questions at the end of each section.
I do have a few issues with Keller, largely resulting from the theological disconnect between my Wesleyan-Arminian roots and his Calvinism. I also was disappointed by his lack of interaction with the New Perspective on Paul (although he does offer a short appendix on his rationale).
That said, these issues are minor. Like the cover says, this is an excellent book for you to read, feed, and lead others with.
—Timothy Keller, Galatians for You (Surrey, UK: The Good Book Company, 2013).
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