I am in the awkward situation of learning sociological method after having spent my entire higher education studying theology. Starting from scratch is overwhelming, to say the least! Creswell and Poth’s text makes the journey easier.
Qualitative Inquiry and Research Design describes five overarching ways to do research:
- Narrative Research studies individuals and their stories.
- Phenomenological Research studies a several people who share the same experience.
- Grounded Theory Research studies a process, action, or interaction with a view to develop a theory.
- Ethnographic Research studies a group that shares the same culture.
- Case Study Research studies a specific event, program, or activity.
Each approach digs into the subject in a different way, providing a different perspective. Creswell and Poth bring the unique features of each approach to light brilliantly in the final chapter by taking a case study and reframing it in each of the other four approaches.
Creswell and Poth’s text hits the sweet spot where understandability and depth of insight meet. It brings clarity the the research methods required to do effective sociological work.
Creswell, John W. and Cheryl N. Poth. Qualitative Inquiry and Research Design: Choosing Among Five Approaches. 4th Edition. Thousand Oaks, CA: SAGE Publications, 2018.